Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Several new & exciting links: IMDb! Spout interview! Obenson & Geldin see the doc!

Well, maybe a couple of exclamation marks too many in the title of this post, but several new items related to this doc got published on the web the past couple of days:

- Internet Movie Database has a page for Indie Film Blogger Road Trip up now, with links to pages for each of the bloggers - check it out!

- Spout blog interviewed me about my media consumption habits - the doc is mentioned well in the intro - here it is: "His newest film, Indie Film Blogger Road Trip, brings him into the homes and working spaces of 14 film bloggers and is perhaps the first extended meditation on the impact, limitations and peculiarities of the film blogosphere to date."

- Tambay Obenson saw the doc this weekend & mentioned it at a podcast

- Brian "The Film Panel Notetaker" Geldin also saw the doc this weekend & he wrote about it

A big thanks goes out to everyone who took the time to check out the movie & mention it to others, to IMDb, and to Brandon Harris who interviewed me for Spout. It was a busy weekend for IFBRT press & we hope for more of the same in the future.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Updates: another screener to atlanta, The List in the works, watching the doc with bloggers

- sent off another screener DVD of the doc to Atlanta - this time to Noralil Ryan "ShortEnd Magazine" Fores - so we may read about her thoughts about the doc on the web soon

- am working on creating an INDIE FILM PEOPLE, EVENTS & THINGS MENTIONED & OR DISCUSSED IN INDIE FILM BLOGGER ROAD TRIP list; to keep it short, we'll just refer to this item as The List. I think this list will have both reference (people can look up @ which point in the doc a blog, blogger, or an event is discussed in the doc) & historical value (a list of things that we talked about when we talked about indie film blogs & related matters in summer '08). also promotional value - i'll link to blogs & sites, related articles & posts, from the list. hopefully i'll have this list done soon

- also a tentative doc watching hang out session is scheduled for early Dec. in nyc - for one of the bloggers featured in the doc. i am sure quite a few of these movie watching hang out events will happen in the coming months - will have pics or notes when they do. we almost had one such event happen in late October in Brooklyn, but due to my work/day job schedule & other factors that was cancelled. however, like they say in Lithuania, nov. & december is another story.

Created a Facebook group for this doc

Check it out here.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Submitted the doc to SXSW, IMDb

Got an e-mail from Withoutabox today about a partnership thingy they have with IMDb, and after filling out like 20,000 web pages (more like 15 really) - Indie Film Blogger Road Trip was submitted to IMDb - which, if all goes well, should eventually create the slightly amusing situation where bloggers are credited as actors (there wasn't an option to indicate the role of participants more accurately - as interview subjects in a documentary) - or - where bloggers can tell people to look up their acting credit in IMDb. Fun stuff.

Also submitted the movie to SXSW '09 today. If the flick gets in, it would be a great reason to take a trip to Austin. If not, I can still feel good about supporting SXSW - an arts event - a little w/ my submission fee.

More submissions & screener mailings in the coming days.

GreenCine Daily links to Tryon's post about IFBRT

Check out the GreenCine Daily link on this page.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

1st reaction to IFBRT is up!

Chuck Tryon saw the doc & wrote about it. From the post:

"At the same time, Sujewa is attentive to the various ways that all of his interviewees are invested in blogging as an activity, even if, as Anthony Kaufman confesses at one point, we don’t always like doing it or like what it has done to film and entertainment journalism. Other bloggers complicate the perception that the indie film community is a completely inclusive, utopian space. As Judy Wajcman observes in her excellent book, TechnoFeminism, “networks create not merely insiders, but also outsiders, the partially enrolled, and those who refuse to be enrolled” (42-43). Melissa Silverstein, for example, took the time to challenge the “all boys club” tendency of many blogging communities, while Armando Valle pointed out that indie festivals often have less room for genre pics such as low-budget horror films. To Sujewa’s great credit, he took great care to ensure that he presented a multi-faceted and diverse portrait of the blogging community, while also acknowledging the ways that we sometimes fail to be fully inclusive. In addition to all that, it was certainly fun to see so many of the bloggers I’ve been reading, in some cases, for several years and to get some history of film blogging from people, such as Kaufman and S.T. VanAirsdale, who have (like myself) been practicing the fine art of film blogging for some time."

Read the rest of the post here.

- Sujewa

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Screener DVDs on their way to NC & ATL

Mailed a screener DVD of Indie Film Blogger Road Trip to Chuck Tryon in NC today. Chuck's not only an audience member, he's also one of the subjects of the doc. Should be interesting :)

Also submitted the flick to the Atlanta Film Festival.

More screeners & fest submissions heading out all over America & beyond in the coming days.

- Sujewa

Indie Film Blogger Road Trip - Episode 1: Visiting Obenson & Harris in Brooklyn


Good Reads (Under Construction)